Mac Magazin/MacEasy 12
Mac Magazin and MacEasy Magazine CD - Issue 12.iso
CD Extras
Designer Palettes
Process Color Palettes Readme
Text File
41 lines
These ready made color palettes for Quark take the chore out of color
generation when designing with color in Quark XPress.
Designer Colors puts
colors in the CMYK and HSB color models at your fingertips for immediate
access when designing in color. Pantone spot colors are easy enough to
pick. It's the colors in the CMYK/Process and HSB/RGB color models which
are more cumbersome to choose/build but which are often necessary in
design. These palettes, which I call Designer Palettes, exist as items in a
Quark library that you can drag-and-drop into your documents. The colors in
a palette will immediately appear in the Quark drag-and-drop color palette,
ready to use. Furthermore, you can choose to bring in palettes by
individual color group, or as larger palettes combining all the color
groups. It takes a long time to create quality palettes like this, and
having a good one made for you can be a real convenience. This download
contains complete information on Designer Palettes and a free sampler for
you to use and which gives you a feeling for how they work. Enjoy!
Quark users version 3.3 and above (regular and PowerMac)
Macintosh users only
This file checked with SAM Virus Clinic 3.5
Joseph Stubbs Creations
2531 Benvenue Ave.
Berkeley, CA 94704
Phone: (510) 540-7832
EMail: Jstbbs@aol.com
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